I'm afraid of heights?
In our experience 98% of people are afraid of heights, but you can overcome it & abseiling is one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to do it! On our tour you'll be in the comfort and safety of our friendly & very experienced guides, they'll talk you through it and have you conquering the cliffs in no time. You'll feel amazingly proud and empowered from stepping outside of your comfort zone & you'll have heaps of fun along the way!
Is there age restrictions?
We do have age restrictions for young ones, Children from 6 years and up can abseil, younger children are welcome to come along and enjoy the day as Tag Along's as long as they are supervised by at least one adult at all times.
As for the oldies.. As long as you are agile enough to hike the 1 kilometre there & 1 kilometre back, You will rock it! :)
Is there a weight limit?
Weight is a tricky one.. although our gear has a safe working load of 218kgs your harness will have to fit, The maximum they expand to is: Waist- 122cm & Thighs- 90cm, so as long as you fit into these dimensions you'll be fine.
How fit do i have to be / How far is the hike?
Abseiling itself doesn't require you to be fit at all, it's actually pretty easy and the rocks and the ropes do most of the work. The hike down there is the part of the tour that requires a reasonable fitness level, it's a 1 kilometre hike down through the gorge to get to our abseil site, another little hike to get to our lunch/swimming spot & 1 kilometre back up through the gorge at the end of the day. If you can jog around a footy field easily you should be fine.
Tour times?
Tour starts at 8.15 in the ZBend entrance
45 minute drive from the town centre.
Tours finish around 1pm
A little earlier for smaller groups & a little later for larger groups & during holidays
Can i come along for the adventure if i don't want to abseil?
You sure can! Book onto the tour as a Tag Along. You'll have an awesome day out hiking, sightseeing, swimming & exploring the gorge with us & get front row seats while the abseiling's happening.